36.1. Sector for International Cooperation and Cities exercises competencies in accordance with authorizations, responsibilities, legal rights and duties and requirements of the Municipality Mayor;
36.2. Offers professional and technical support to the Municipality Mayor, in creation and strengthen of relations with countries and cities of other countries;
36.3. Cares for organization and technical preparations of official visits abroad;
36.4. Cares for organization and technical preparations of internal official hosting;
36.5. Cares for organization and technical preparations of meetings and regional and international conferences, initiated by the Municipality of Pristina;
36.6. Offers information and necessary documents for international activities of the Municipality Mayor;
36.7. Saves, maintains and systemizes documentation on international relations of the Municipality of Pristina with countries and cities of other countries;
36.8. Cares for exchange of information, gifts and correspondence of Municipality Mayor with international personalities;
36.9. Prepares necessary materials for the needs of the Municipality on issues related to European integration;
36.10. Researches various programs of EU assistance, which offers support for governance and local development;
36.11. Also performs other duties, according to the request of Municipality Mayor and based on applicable laws within the scope of the Sector.